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Это: Köhler 1981b (карта); Maho 2003; Starostin 2003; Treis 1998.
В Интернете существуют гораздо более полные библиографии, прежде всего:
Khoisan Bibliography (from EBALL), by Jouni Filip Maho with the assistence of Bonny Sands, 2001-2004. http://goto.glocalnet.net/maho/eball/index.htmlтакже:
Khoesaanyms bibliography by J. Maho http://www.african.gu.se/khsrefs.html
Khoesan Bibliography, compiled by Bonny Sands http://ling.cornell.edu/khoisan/bibliography.htm
Старостин Г.С. 2003(?). Некоторые аспекты исторического развития кликсов в койсанских языках // ??. (см. также Starostin ниже)
Anders H.D. 1934/5. A note on a south-eastern Bushman dialect. Zeitschrift für Eingeborenen-Sprachen, 25.
Barnard A. 1992. Hunters and herders of southern Africa: a comparative ethnography of the Khoisan peoples. Cambridge studies in social and cultural anthropology, v 85. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge.
Barrett D.B., ed. 1982. World Christian encyclopedia: A comparative study of churches and religions in the modern world A.D. 1900-2000. Nairobi: Oxford University Press.
Beach D.M. 1938. The phonetics of the Hottentot language. Supplemented with "Lautfolge in den weitaus meisten Wortstämme der Namasprache" by Heinrich Vedder. William Heffer & Sons. Cambridge.
Bleek D.F. 1913. The language of the Khakhea Bushmen. Manuscript.
Bleek D.F. 1927. The distribution of Bushman languages in South Africa. // Festschrift Meinhof. J J Augustin. Glückstadt & Hamburg.
Bleek D.F. 1928. The Naron: a Bushman tribe of the central Kalahari. Publications of the School of African Life and Language, University of Cape Town. University Press. Cambridge.
Bleek D.F. 1929. Comparative vocabularies of Bushman languages. Publications of the School of African Life and Language, University of Cape Town. University Press. Cambridge.
Bleek D.F. 1937. Grammatical notes and texts in the |Auni language. Bantu studies (Johannesburg), 11.
Bleek D.F. 1956. A Bushman dictionary. Edited by Zellig S. Harris. American Oriental series, v. 41. American Oriental Society. New Haven (Connecticut).
Bleek D.F. 2000. The //N!ke or Bushmen of Griqualand West [edited by Tom Güldemann]. Khoisan forum working papers, 15.
Brenzinger M. 1997. Moving to survive: Kxoe communities in arid lands. Khoisan forum working papers, no 2. Arid Climate, Adaption and Cultural Innovation in Africa (ACACIA), University of Cologne. Cologne.
Brenzinger M. 1998. Moving to survive: Kxoe communities in arid lands. // Language, identity and conceptualization among the Khoisan, pp 321-357. Edited by Mathias Schladt. (Quellen zur Khoisan-Forschung/Research in Khoisan studies, Bd 15.) Rüdiger Köppe Verlag. Köln.
Cashdan E.A. 1979. Trade and reciprocity among the River Bushmen of northern Botswana. PhD thesis. University of New Mexico. Albuquerque.
Cashdan E.A. 1986. Hunter-gatherers of the northern Kalahari. // Contemporary studies on Khoisan (Festschrift Oswin R. A. Köhler), v 1, pp 145-180. Edited by Rainer Vossen & Klaus Keuthmann. (Quellen zur Khoisan-Forschung, Bd 5.) Helmut Buske Verlag. Hamburg.
Crawhall N.T. 1997. Results of consultations with San and communities in Gordonia, Namaqualand and Bushmanland. South African San Institute's Third Submission to the Pan South African Language Board. Unpublished MS (упоминается в [Traill 2002])
Crawhall N.T. 2001. Too good to leave behind: the N|u language and the #Khomani people of Gordonia District. manuscript, University of Cape Town.
Crawhall N.T. 2004. Rediscovery of the N/u and the #Khomani land claim process, South Africa. // Maintaining the links: language identity and the land. Edited by Joe Blythe & R. McKenna Brown.
Doke C.M. 1925. An outline of the phonetics of the language of the Chû: Bushmen of north-west Kalahari. Bantu studies and general South African anthropology, 2 (3).
Doke C.M. 1937. An outline of #Khomani Bushmen phonetics // Rheinallt Jones J.D., Doke C.M. (Eds.) Bushmen of the southern Kalahari. Papers reprinted from Bantu studies, vols 10-11, together with some additional material. Witwatersrand University Press. Johannesburg.
Ehret C. 1986. Proposals on Khoisan reconstruction. Sprache und Geschichte in Afrika, 7 (2).
Elphick 1985. Khoikhoi and the founding of White South Africa. Second edition. Ravan Press. Johannesburg.
Estermann C. 1976. The ethnography of southwestern Angola. Vol. 1: the non-Bantu peoples; the Ambo ethnic group. Edited and translated from Portuguese by Gordon D. Gibson. Africana Publishing. New York.
EL 2004. = Ethnologue: Languages of the World, 15th Edition. Raymond G. Gordon, Jr., editor. On-line: http://www.ethnologue.com/web.html
Greenberg J.H. 1950. Studies in African linguistic classification. Part 6: the Click languages. Southwestern journal of anthropology, 6 (3).
Greenberg J.H. 1963. The languages of Africa. International journal of American linguistics, v 29 (1), supplement. Publications from the Indiana University Research Center in Anthropology, Folklore and Linguistics, v 25. Mouton & Co. for the Indiana University. The Hague, Paris & Bloomington.
Güldemann T. 2000. The //N!ke or Bushmen of Griqualand West, Notes on the language of the //N!ke or Bushmen of Griqualand West [by Dorothea Bleek]: editor's introduction. Khoisan forum working papers, 15
Haacke et al. 1997. = Haacke W.H.G., Eiseb E., Namaseb L. 1997. Internal and external relations of Khoekhoe dialects: a preliminary survey. // Namibian languages: reports and papers. Edited by W. Haacke & E.D. Elderkin. (Namibian African studies, v 4.) Rüdiger Köppe Verlag for the University of Namibia. Cologne.
Hahn 1870. Die Buschmänner: ein Beitrag zur südafrikanischer Völkerkunde. Globus, 18.
Heikkinen T. 1986. Outline of the phonology of the !Xû dialect spoken in Ovamboland and western Kavango. South African journal of African languages, 6 (1).
Heikkinen T. 1987. An outline grammar of the !Xû language spoken in Ovamboland and West Kavango. South African journal of African languages, 7, supplement 1. Pretoria.
Hirschberg W. 1975. Khoisan sprechende Völker Südafrikas. // Die Völker Afrikas und ihre traditionelle Kulturen. Bd 1: allgemeiner Teil und südliches Afrika. Edited by Hermann Baumann. (Studien zur Kulturkunde, Bd 34.) Franz Steiner Verlag. Wiesbaden.
Hitchcock R.K. 1982. Patterns of sedentism among the Basarwa of eastern Botswana. // Politics and history in band societies. Edited by Eleanor B. Leacock & Richard B. Lee. Cambridge University Press; Editions de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme. Cambridge & Paris.
Honken 1988. Phonetic correspondences among Khoisan affricates. // New perspectives on the study of Khoisan. Edited by Rainer Vossen. (Quellen zur Khoisan-Forschung, Bd 7.) Helmut Buske Verlag. Hamburg.
Köhler 1971. Die Khoe-sprachigen Buschmänner der Kalahari; ihre Verbreitung und Gliederung. // Forschungen zur allgemeinen und regionalen Geographie (Festschrift Kurt Kayser). (Kölner geographische Arbeiten, Sonderband.) Franz Steiner Verlag. Wiesbaden.
Köhler 1981a. La langue !Xû. // Les langues dans le monde ancien et moderne, I: les languages de l'Afrique subsaharienne. Edited by Jean Perrot. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS). Paris.
Köhler 1981b. Les langues khoisan. Extension et classification provisoire. (La carte). // Les langues dans le monde ancien et moderne, I: les languages de l'Afrique subsaharienne. Edited by Jean Perrot. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS). Paris.
Lebzelter V. 1934. Eingeborenenkulturen in Süd- und Südwestafrika: wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse einer Forschungsreise nach Süd- und Südwestafrika in den Jahren 1926-1928. Rassen und Kulturen in Südafrika, Bd 2. Karl W Hiersemann. Leipzig.
Maho J.F. 1998. Few people, many tongues: the languages of Namibia. Gamsberg Macmillan Publishers. Windhoek.
Maho J.F. 2003. Khoesaan language and ethnic names. Compiled by Jouni Maho, 1994-97 [update: July 2003]. On-line:
http://www.african.gu.se/khsnms.htmlMaingard L.F. 1937. The ÷Khomani dialect of Bushman: its morphology and other characteristics. // Bushmen of the southern Kalahari. Edited by J[ohn] D[avid] Rheinallt Jones & C[lement] M[artyn] Doke. Witwatersrand University Press. Johannesburg.
Maingard L.F. 1962. Korana folktales, grammar and texts. Witwatersrand University Press. Johannesburg.
Meinhof C. 1928/29. Versuch einer grammatischen Skizze einer Buschmannsprache. Zeitschrift für Eingeborenen-Sprachen (Berlin), 19.
Miller-Ockhuizen A., Sands B.E. 1999. !Kung as a linguistic construct. Language and communication, 19 (4). Theme issue: 'Social, cultural and political perspectives on languages in conflict', ed. by Brian D. Joseph.
Müller F. 1877. Grundriss der Sprachwissenschaft, Bd I, Abt. II: die Sprachen der wollhaarigen Rassen. Alfred Hölder. Wien.
Sands B.E. 2001. Borrowing and diffusion as a source of lexical similarities in Khoesan. // Khoisan: syntax, phonetics, phonology and contact. Edited by Arthur Bell & P. Washburn. (Cornell working papers in linguistics, no 18.) Cornell University. Ithaca (New York).
Schinz H. 1891. Deutsch-Südwest-Afrika: Forschungsreisen durch die deutschen Schutzgebiete Gross-Nama- und Hereroland nach dem Kunene, dem Ngami-See und der KalaXari, 1884-1887. Schultzesche Hofbuchhandlung. Oldenburg (Deutschland) & Leipzig.
Snyman J.W. 1983. The Tsowaa of Botswana. Khoisan Special Interest Group: newsletter, 1.
Snyman J.W. 1997. A preliminary classification of the !Xûû and Zhu|'hõasi dialects. // Namibian languages: reports and papers. Edited by Wilfrid [Heinrich] [Gerhard] Haacke & Edward D[erek] Elderkin. (Namibian African studies, v 4.) Rüdiger Köppe Verlag for the University of Namibia. Cologne.
Starostin G. 2003. A lexicostatistical approach towards reconstructing Proto-Khoisan // Mother Tongue, ??.
Starostin G. 2005. (я имею в виду классификационное дерево из Старлинга, как бы это назвать??)
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Suzman J. 2001. An Introduction to the Regional Assessment of the Status of the San in Southern Africa. Windhoek, Namibia: Legal Assistance Center.
Traill A. 1973. N4 or S7: another Bushman language. African studies (Johannesburg), 32 (1).
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Treis Y. 1998. Names of Khoisan languages and their variants. // Language, identity and conceptualization among the Khoisan. Ed. by Mathias Schladt. (Quellen zur Khoisan-Forschung/Research in Khoisan studies, Bd 15.) Rüdiger Köppe Verlag. Köln.
Vedder 1910/11. Grundriss einer Grammatik der Buschmann-Sprache vom Stamm der !Kû-Buschmänner [Teil 1]. Zeitschrift für Kolonialsprachen, 1.
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Winter J.C. 1981. Die Khoisan familie. // Die Sprachen Afrikas. Edited by Bernd Heine, Thilo C. Schadeberg & Ekkehard Wolff. Helmut Buske Verlag. Hamburg.
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