English translations of Yuri KovalПереводы произведений Коваля на английский язык
A purple bird • Fairy-tales • The Knifer • The Red Gates
A number of works by Yuri Koval were translated from Russian into European and Asian languages, mainly in 1970s-1980s. To my knowledge, the following English translations of his prose appeared between 1975 and 2013 (if you know of any other English translations, please let me know!):
Yuri Koval. A pig in a poke / Illustrated by Janosch. London: Abelard-Schuman, 1975. 127 p.
(The translation of the book «Приключения Васи Куролесова». Translator unknown.)
Yuri Koval. A purple bird / Translated by Fainna Solasko. Drawings by Nikolai Ustinov. Moscow: Raduga, 1983; 2nd printing, 1989.
(The translation of 14 short stories from the «Чистый Дор» collection.)
Юрий Коваль. Сказки. Художник Н. Устинов. М.: Рекл.-изд. дом «Имидж», 1991. 96 с.
(The translation of 6 fairy-tales from «Полынные сказки»; published with a parallel Russian text. Translator unknown.)
Yuri Koval. The Knifer. In: Moscow News, No. 1-2, January 10-16, 2001. P. 9.
(The translation of a short story «Ножевик»; published with a parallel Russian text and comments from the translator. Translator unknown.)
Yuri Koval. The Little Silver Fox / Translation by Nora Seligman Favorov. In: Chtenia: Readings from Russia. 2008. Vol. 1, no. 1. (01: The Hearts of Dogs).
(The translation of a fragment from the book «Недопёсок».)
Yuri Koval. The Lightest Boat in the World / Translation by Paul E. Richardson. In: Chtenia: Readings from Russia. 2008. Vol. 1, no. 3. (03: On the Road).
(The translation of a fragment from the book «Самая лёгкая лодка в мире».)
Yury Koval. The Red Gates. In: Moscow Tales. Stories translated by Sasha Dugdale; Edited by Helen Constantine. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013. P. 83-128.
(The translation of a novella «От Красных ворот».)
On this page, I have made accessible those translations that are available to me, namely a collection of short stories A purple bird, a collection of fairy-tales, a stand-alone short story The Knifer, and a novella The Red Gates.
Другие ковалеведческие разделы:
Переводы произведений Коваля на иностранные языки
«Суер-Выер»: журнальные варианты
Два Жипцова • К генеалогии боцмана Чугайло
Коваль и Соснора: два воображаемых плавания
«Иллюзония» Александра Шарова: один из предшественников «Суера»
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